
INTERCULTURAL BILINGUAL EDUCATION IN LATIN AMERICA - Progress and setbacks in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

Even though a year has passed since the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic, we are still far from overcoming this crisis and assessing its full impact.

In general, the pandemic has caused serious negative effects. For the indigenous peoples of the American continent, it has brought consequences not only for individuals but also for indigenous groups and cultures.

In the first weeks and months after COVID-19 arrived in the Latin America and Caribbean region, the main concerns revolved around infection prevention and control and the care of sick people. Although these aspects are vitally important and should not be undermined, other issues related to production and to nutrition and education needs must also be addressed.

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Oficina de la Campaña Latinoamericana por el Derecho a la Educación | Av. Prof. Alfonso Bovero, 430, conj. 10 – Perdizes, São Paulo, 01254-000, Brasil Tel. +55 11 3853-7900 | orei@campanaderechoeducacion.org